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Thu, 23 Apr 2020 22:45:05 UTC

General purpose programming language

Related notebook


Only CPU
CopyKAT: Delineating copy number and clonal substructure in human tumors from single-cell transcriptomes

Classification of tumor and normal cells in the tumor microenvironment from scRNA-seq data is an ongoing challenge in human cancer study. Copy number karyotyping of aneuploid tumors (***copyKAT***) (Gao, Ruli, et al., 2021) is a method proposed for identifying copy number variations in single-cell transcriptomics data. It is used to predict aneuploid tumor cells and delineate the clonal substructure of different subpopulations that coexist within the tumor mass. In this notebook, we will illustrate a basic workflow of CopyKAT based on the tutorial provided on CopyKAT's repository. We will use a dataset of triple negative cancer tumors sequenced by 10X Chromium 3'-scRNAseq (GSM4476486) as an example. The dataset contains 20,990 features across 1,097 cells. We have modified the notebook to demonstrate how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.

Basal respiratory cells

Respiratory ciliated cells



Required GPU
infercnvpy: Scanpy plugin to infer copy number variation from single-cell transcriptomics data

InferCNV is used to explore tumor single cell RNA-Seq data to identify evidence for somatic large-scale chromosomal copy number alterations, such as gains or deletions of entire chromosomes or large segments of chromosomes. This is done by exploring expression intensity of genes across positions of tumor genome in comparison to a set of reference 'normal' cells. A heatmap is generated illustrating the relative expression intensities across each chromosome, and it often becomes readily apparent as to which regions of the tumor genome are over-abundant or less-abundant as compared to that of normal cells. **Infercnvpy** is a scalable python library to infer copy number variation (CNV) events from single cell transcriptomics data. It is heavliy inspired by InferCNV, but plays nicely with scanpy and is much more scalable.

Basal respiratory cells




Required GPU
MUON: multimodal omics analysis framework

Advances in multi-omics have led to an explosion of multimodal datasets to address questions from basic biology to translation. While these data provide novel opportunities for discovery, they also pose management and analysis challenges, thus motivating the development of tailored computational solutions. `muon` is a Python framework for multimodal omics. It introduces multimodal data containers as `MuData` object. The package also provides state of the art methods for multi-omics data integration. `muon` allows the analysis of both unimodal omics and multimodal omics.


