CellRank2 (Weiler et al, 2023) is a powerful framework for studying cellular fate using single-cell RNA sequencing data. It can handle millions of cells and different data types efficiently. This tool can identify cell fate and probabilities across various data sets. It also allows for analyzing transitions over time and uncovering key genes in developmental processes. Additionally, CellRank2 estimates cell-specific transcription and degradation rates, aiding in understanding differentiation trajectories and regulatory mechanisms.
In this notebook, we will use a primary tumor sample of patient T71 from the dataset GSE137804 (Dong R. et al, 2020) as an example. We have performed RNA-velocity analysis and pseudotime calculation on this dataset in scVelo (Bergen et al, 2020) notebook. The output will be then loaded into this CellRank2 notebook for further analysis.
This notebook is based on the tutorial provided on CellRank2 documentation. We have modified the notebook and changed the input data to show how the tool works on BioTuring's platform.
Tumors are complex tissues of cancerous cells surrounded by a heterogeneous cellular microenvironment with which they interact. Single-cell sequencing enables molecular characterization of single cells within the tumor. However, cell annotation—the assignment of cell type or cell state to each sequenced cell—is a challenge, especially identifying tumor cells within single-cell or spatial sequencing experiments.
Here, we propose ikarus, a machine learning pipeline aimed at distinguishing tumor cells from normal cells at the single-cell level. We test ikarus on multiple single-cell datasets, showing that it achieves high sensitivity and specificity in multiple experimental contexts.
**InferCNV** is a Bayesian method, which agglomerates the expression signal of genomically adjointed genes to ascertain whether there is a gain or loss of a certain larger genomic segment. We have used **inferCNV** to call copy number variations in all samples used in the manuscript.
Spatial transcriptomic studies are becoming increasingly common and large, posing important statistical and computational challenges for many analytic tasks. Here, we present SPARK-X, a non-parametric method for rapid and effective detection of spatially expressed genes in large spatial transcriptomic studies.
SPARK-X not only produces effective type I error control and high power but also brings orders of magnitude computational savings. We apply SPARK-X to analyze three large datasets, one of which is only analyzable by SPARK-X. In these data, SPARK-X identifies many spatially expressed genes including those that are spatially expressed within the same cell type, revealing new biological insights.