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Wed, 13 Jun 2018 19:56:24 UTC

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Harmony: fast, sensitive, and accurate integration of single cell data

Single-cell RNA-seq datasets in diverse biological and clinical conditions provide great opportunities for the full transcriptional characterization of cell types. However, the integration of these datasets is challeging as they remain biological and techinical differences. **Harmony** is an algorithm allowing fast, sensitive and accurate single-cell data integration.




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PAGA: partition-based graph abstraction for trajectory analysis

Mapping out the coarse-grained connectivity structures of complex manifolds Biological systems often change over time, as old cells die and new cells are created through differentiation from progenitor cells. This means that at any given time, not all cells will be at the same stage of development. In this sense, a single-cell sample could contain cells at different stages of differentiation. By analyzing the data, we can identify which cells are at which stages and build a model for their biological transitions. By quantifying the connectivity of partitions (groups, clusters) of the single-cell graph, partition-based graph abstraction (PAGA) generates a much simpler abstracted graph (PAGA graph) of partitions, in which edge weights represent confidence in the presence of connections. In this notebook, we will introduce the concept of single-cell Trajectory Analysis using PAGA (Partition-based graph abstraction) in the context of hematopoietic differentiation.

Basal respiratory cells

Respiratory ciliated cells



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expiMap: Biologically informed deep learning to query gene programs in single-cell atlases

The development of large-scale single-cell atlases has allowed describing cell states in a more detailed manner. Meanwhile, current deep leanring methods enable rapid analysis of newly generated query datasets by mapping them into reference atlases. expiMap (‘explainable programmable mapper’) Lotfollahi, Mohammad, et al. is one of the methods proposed for single-cell reference mapping. Furthermore, it incorporates prior knowledge from gene sets databases or users to analyze query data in the context of known gene programs (GPs).


Endometrial ciliated cells
