Cell–cell communication mediated by ligand–receptor complexes is critical to coordinating diverse biological processes, such as development, differentiation and inflammation.
To investigate how the context-dependent crosstalk of different cell types enables physiological processes to proceed, we developed CellPhoneDB, a novel repository of ligands, receptors and their interactions. In contrast to other repositories, our database takes into account the subunit architecture of both ligands and receptors, representing heteromeric complexes accurately.
We integrated our resource with a statistical framework that predicts enriched cellular interactions between two cell types from single-cell transcriptomics data. Here, we outline the structure and content of our repository, provide procedures for inferring cell–cell communication networks from single-cell RNA sequencing data and present a practical step-by-step guide to help implement the protocol.
CellPhoneDB v.2.0 is an updated version of our resource that incorporates additional functionalities to enable users to introduce new interacting molecules and reduces the time and resources needed to interrogate large datasets.
CellPhoneDB v.2.0 is publicly available, both as code and as a user-friendly web interface; it can be used by both experts and researchers with little experience in computational genomics.
In our protocol, we demonstrate how to evaluate meaningful biological interactions with CellPhoneDB v.2.0 using published datasets. This protocol typically takes ~2 h to complete, from installation to statistical analysis and visualization, for a dataset of ~10 GB, 10,000 cells and 19 cell types, and using five threads.
The development of large-scale single-cell atlases has allowed describing cell states in a more detailed manner. Meanwhile, current deep leanring methods enable rapid analysis of newly generated query datasets by mapping them into reference atlases.
expiMap (‘explainable programmable mapper’) Lotfollahi, Mohammad, et al. is one of the methods proposed for single-cell reference mapping. Furthermore, it incorporates prior knowledge from gene sets databases or users to analyze query data in the context of known gene programs (GPs).
Advances in multi-omics have led to an explosion of multimodal datasets to address questions from basic biology to translation. While these data provide novel opportunities for discovery, they also pose management and analysis challenges, thus motivating the development of tailored computational solutions. `muon` is a Python framework for multimodal omics.
It introduces multimodal data containers as `MuData` object. The package also provides state of the art methods for multi-omics data integration. `muon` allows the analysis of both unimodal omics and multimodal omics.
Build single-cell trajectories with the software that introduced **pseudotime**. Find out about cell fate decisions and the genes regulated as they're made.
Group and classify your cells based on gene expression. Identify new cell types and states and the genes that distinguish them.
Find genes that vary between cell types and states, over trajectories, or in response to perturbations using statistically robust, flexible differential analysis.
In development, disease, and throughout life, cells transition from one state to another. Monocle introduced the concept of **pseudotime**, which is a measure of how far a cell has moved through biological progress.
Many researchers are using single-cell RNA-Seq to discover new cell types. Monocle 3 can help you purify them or characterize them further by identifying key marker genes that you can use in follow-up experiments such as immunofluorescence or flow sorting.
**Single-cell trajectory analysis** shows how cells choose between one of several possible end states. The new reconstruction algorithms introduced in Monocle 3 can robustly reveal branching trajectories, along with the genes that cells use to navigate these decisions.
Dynamic expression data, nowadays obtained using high-throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq), are essential to monitor transient gene expression changes and to study the dynamics of their transcriptional activity in the cell or response to stimuli. FunPat is an R package designed to provide:
- a useful tool to analyze time series genomic data;
- a computational pipeline which integrates gene selection, clustering and functional annotations into a single framework to identify the main temporal patterns associated to functional groups of differentially expressed (DE) genes;
- an easy way to exploit different types of annotations from currently available databases (e.g. Gene Ontology) to extract the most meaningful information characterizing the main expression dynamics;
- a user-friendly organization and visualization of the outcome, automatically linking the DE genes and their temporal patterns to the functional information for an easy biological interpretation of the results.